Learning to Learn
Hello! It’s been a while! It feels like it’s been much longer than it has, which I’m sure many of you can relate to. After my rather hectic journey from eSwatini to South Africa to Hong Kong to home, the days have stretched out and merged. When I arrived home, I isolated myself from my parents as best we could manage in our small flat. My father is immunocompromised, and my mother seems to catch absolutely everything and have it turn into pneumonia, so we were all rightfully wary of me, and my multiple flights home. I was mostly confined to my room and a chair in the corner, I stayed two metres from my parents at all times, and I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen. I carried around a little spray bottle of bleach and a cloth to wipe down any surfaces I might have breathed on. It was not the most joyous homecoming I have ever experienced. After my two weeks of quarantine, I was allowed back in the kitchen where I promptly hopped on the bandwagon of sourdough making. Bliss. ...