Reference Letters
The written application requires three reference letters from several sources. You’re supposed to have two from teachers and one from an adult who knows you outside of school. Thankfully, this is somewhat flexible. When I applied, I had only been at my school for a month and I didn’t feel like there were any teachers that I knew well enough to ask for a letter of recommendation. Instead, I talked to my guidance counselor who was able to help my vice principle write a letter for me. The other letters came from a woman who had been the volunteer coordinator from an orphanage in Mexico that I’d worked with, and from my writing mentor that’s helped me edit several articles that I’ve had published. Mostly, it’s just important to have people that know you well, and know what you’re capable of. If there are specific things you want mentioned, tell them! It’s always good when the letters support your written application. Explain about UWC, and what it is, and why you want them to be the ...