Six Months

My school got out last week, and I’m finding myself facing a six-month stretch with no school. I’m glad to have a chance to relax and prepare for UWC, but I’m also worried that I’ll get bored. Most of my friends will be entering grade 12, but I’ll be getting a job and working in order to help my parents with my tuition costs. Most UWC students will start their journeys in September, so my path will be a little different. I think my greatest fear is that I’ll get out of the habit of self-motivation, and I’ll forget the things I learned in school this year. Basically, I don’t want to arrive at Waterford unprepared. I’m excited about getting a job – I’ve not had one before and I think it’ll be a really good experience for me to gain more independence, as well as practice working hard so I’m more ready for the pressures of Waterford. I also hope to continue doing volunteer work – I want to volunteer for the elections when they come up, as well as do some volunteer work with refugees in my community. Basically, I want to take as much from these six months as possible. I want to spend time with my family and friends, work hard, and remember why it’s going to be so hard to leave home, but why I’m so excited to go. I also want to concentrate on where I am now. I know a lot of my friends and family are curious and excited for me, but I’ve been making an effort to focus on the now, so I don’t waste this time wishing that I was already at school.


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